According to Deadline, Fox 21 Television Studios is turning Christian Cantrell’s Brainbox into a series for the streaming platform Hulu. The short story follows world leaders competing for the last salvageable land on a crumbling planet. With a weaponry specialist comes in and changes the fate of humanity with his invention: a revolutionary, self-replicating, A.I. army.
Dave Kajganich (Suspiria, The Terror) is showrunner, recently contracting an overall deal with Fox 21. Warren Littlefield (The Handmaid’s Tale, Fargo) is executive producer through his producing company, the Littlefield Co.
Cantrell has other stories in the works for film or television, with his female-forward short story CAGN being adapted for a sci-fi thriller series set to be adapted by Daniel Kunka (12 Rounds), according to Deadline. Along with CAGN, his novella The Epoch Index rights were sold to Fox/Disney; which is said via Deadline to have Matt Reeves producing and Brad Peyton (Rampage, San Andreas) attached to directing.
There is no word when this series will premiere to Hulu or what actors are attached to the series.