One of the most highly-anticipated trailers that was unveiled at this year’s San Diego Comic-Con was for The Walking Dead Season 8. Vanity Fair reported this week on the recently released trailer, which clocks in at a lengthy five minutes.
Despite its impressive run time, the trailer is in line with the many others that were released at this past Comic-Con event: it doesn’t reveal too many details about the specific plot that will come with Season 8, but instead is more concerned with capturing the feeling and tone of the newest season.
The Hollywood Reporter noted the trailer’s significantly lighter tone than what is typical of The Walking Dead, suggesting that the show will leave the dark deeds of Season 7 behind and switch to a more punchy, action-based feel. Considering some of the footage included in the trailer – Darryl zipping along on his motorcycle setting off explosives, Carol and Tara resting on a rooftop with Twizzler candies and sunglasses, surrounded by walkers – this certainly appears to be true.
However, it is one scene in particular that is drawing the most buzz. At the very end of the trailer, a dream-like sequence is included that depicts an aged Rick lying on a bed. Though the fuzzy cinematography recalls traditional dreamy impressions, some have suggested the trailer’s end scene is not a dream sequence at all, but a jump in time. This would correspond with the “All Out War” storyline in the comics where some years have passed and Rick – complete with a cane and new hairdo, as depicted in the latest trailer –and others have successfully built a sustainable mini-society.
Whether or not this is truly the case remains to be seen. Fans will have to wait out the rest of the summer until they find out what will happen in the war between Rick and Negan: The Walking Dead returns with its Season 8 on October 22 on AMC.