Fans of Gilmore Girls have a lot to be thankful for this year with the announcement of Netflix rebooting the series. And now, they can be thankful to the Up Network, which, according to The Hollywood Reporter, has announced a 153 hour marathon on the network. The marathon, which will start Friday, Nov. 18 at 6 p.m. Eastern time and will end Friday, Nov. 25 at 3 a.m. Eastern time (aka, when Gilmore Girls: A Year In The Life is released on Netflix), will cover all seven seasons that originally aired from 2000 through 2007 on the WB and the CW.
That’s right, Gilmore Girls fans, you can once again rewatch the series and relive the thousand yellow daisies scene, the deep fried Korean Thanksgiving, Jess calculating how far away Yale is from Stars Hollow because he Yahoo’ed it, Luke being able to see her face, Lorelai’s proposal, the multiple Friday night dinners and so many other iconic scenes from the show.
Perhaps its time to be re-Gilmored.
“Just in time for the holidays, Up viewers will be able to spend time with another family they truly love. We wanted to gift our audience with the ultimate catch-up event with added extras like trivia and contests. Our viewers are massive fans of Gilmore Girls, so we’re going all Gilmore all the time for an entire week,” Up’s General Manager, Amy Winter, said.
Up got repeat rights to the show in July of 2015. Freeform also airs two episodes of the show a day, at 11 a.m. and noon.
Just last week, fans of the show were treated to a new trailer for the show and featured Lorelai (Lauren Graham) and Rory (Alexis Bledel) doing what they do best: talking pop culture at a break neck pace that was probably fueled by coffee. Amy Schumer and John Oliver, two of the people who were name checked in the trailer, both responded to the questions that Lorelai asked.
Stock up on coffee and pizza for the Gilmore Girls binge-a-thon, which starts Friday, Nov. 18 and stock up on even more coffee and pizza for the premiere of Gilmore Girls: A Year In The Life that premieres on Netflix on Friday, Nov. 25. It’s what Lorelai and Rory would want.